School: Business
Degree Type: Masters Degree
Format: Hybrid | Online
Student Type: Graduate Accelerated and Online

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

At Warner Pacific University, 我们为当今的市场设计了工商管理硕士(MBA)课程. 我们认识到,管理专业人员必须做好在全球范围内竞争的准备, in turn, need to be fluent in all functional business areas, understand how these aspects work together, 与不同人群的人交流并影响他们.

Within this framework, WPU的MBA课程考虑的是现代专业人士希望在不中断当前职业轨迹的情况下承担更多责任. In turn, students may complete their degree on-ground one night per week or online, 让他们在全职工作和其他义务中获得越来越重要的证书. 学生还可以从三个重点领域中选择一个,以进一步在就业市场上脱颖而出. 

MBA Program Objectives

在当今的商业环境中,强势、惩罚性的领导者没有立足之地. 相反,领导和管理专注于建立和发展强大的联系. 建立和维护这种关系是西普大学MBA项目的核心, 我们将这一核心理念与所有功能业务领域的全面知识相平衡. 

帮助你专业成长,满足市场不断变化的工作需求, 我们的目标是培养能够在这个过程中通过影响力和同理心来分析和提高组织效率并建立强大团队的领导者。

  • 学生学习发展有效的领导力和商业战略,并推动行业创新.
  • Along with all functional business areas, 学生们考察多样性在创建合作关系中的作用, effective organizational culture.
  • 该课程旨在提高每个学生现有的职业生涯,拓宽他们的技能,增加市场竞争力.
  • 学生对所有业务功能有全面的了解, 目标是为每个组织的特定需求开发解决方案.
  • 所介绍的概念并不局限于单一的行业或职业, instead, can be applied across nonprofit, for-profit, healthcare, and government agencies. 

All MBA students must maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the program, with no individual course grade lower than a C-, 并在开课后六年内完成所有课程. 在完成前五门课程后,WPU将对每个学生的表现进行评估. 从这一点来看,学生将被指导继续MBA课程或被推荐为 组织领导(MAOL)文学硕士学位.

MBA Curriculum


MBA课程的核心课程反映了这一使命. All students take courses in leadership, organizational, and change management theories, become familiar with higher-level accounting, finance, and marketing strategies, 并在此过程中完善他们的决策和沟通技巧. 要完成该计划,所有候选人必须完成一个顶点或论文项目. 

先决条件:BUS 223 Microsoft Office入门和BUS 107大学代数(或同等学历)
BUS 500A |成功研究生学习的基础| 3学分
BUS 501A |领导多元化、高绩效团队| 3学分
BUS 502A |商业文化中的技术趋势| 3学分
BUS 503A | Corporate Finance | 3 credits
BUS 505A | Managing Change | 3 credits
BUS 600A | Business Ethics | 3 credits
BUS 603A | Behavioral Economics & Strategy | 3 credits
BUS 604A | Business Innovation | 3 credits
BUS 606A | Managerial Accounting & Financial Strategies | 3 credits
BUS 607A | Strategic Marketing | 3 credits
BUS 608A | Project & Operations Management | 3 credits
BUS 609A | Business Analytics | 3 credits
BUS 610A |领导全球环境| 3学分
BUS 613A | Research Methods Workshop | 1 credit
BUS 614A | Strategy/Capstone | 2 credits

MBA Management/Leadership Emphasis

All industries need effective managers and leaders. 不局限于单一领域或组织结构, 这种全方位的强调有助于学生磨练他们的沟通能力, 培养团队建设和建立联系的技能,并培养以基督为中心的道德观念.

MBA Format

All MBA courses are scheduled in six-week blocks, with the option to take courses on-ground or online. Regardless of the format:

  • 专家教师将他们的专业经验带入课堂, enhancing the curriculum with real-world examples.
  • 每月的开学日期可以让你尽快亚博体育攻读MBA, rather than wait a full semester.
  • Courses use WPU’s Learning Communities cohort model, 哪种方式最适合与同学和教授建立联系. 

On-Campus MBA

WPU holds our on-ground MBA courses at our main and local campuses in Portland,让你可以选择在离家或工作地点最近的地方亚博体育你的学位学习. 所有课程每周安排一个晚上在同一地点上课.

Online MBA

The online MBA uses an asynchronous format. Lectures are scheduled weekly, 然后学生在规定时间内完成所有作业和阅读.

Participation is key to WPU’s online MBA degree. After registering for a course, 典型的在线学生每周平均有五天会登录以获取资料,并且必须在每周两天的时间里在课堂论坛上发表至少三篇实质性的帖子. 

Careers with an MBA

美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预测,在所有行业和部门 2018年至2028年间,对管理专业人员的需求将增长7%. Preparing students to harness this trend, MBA介绍了在以下方面晋升为管理或领导角色的关键技能:

  • Global Business 
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship         
  • Finance
  • Healthcare     
  • Operations
  • Non-Profit Leadership
  • Consulting
  • Human Resources       
  • Social Services


All candidates interested in the MBA program must:

  • 在地区认可的学院或大学获得学士学位;
  • 提供迄今为止所就读学校的正式成绩单;
  • have earned a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (If below a 3.0、申请人应写一份简短的解释,说明其GPA的原因);
  • write a letter explaining why you want to earn an MBA

As part of the admission process, 商学院院长或MBA教员将联系所有申请人.

Elevate Your Career With an MBA from WPU

If you have management or team leadership aspirations, WPU的MBA课程可以让你朝着你的目标努力,而不会让你的职业生涯边缘化. 亚博体育这个学位或格式的问题,请联系PGS招生 by email or by phone at 800-804-1510, or request additional information today.




Dr. Ulf Spears
Interim Dean of Business
PH: 503-517-1324

Graduate Programs Partners:

Avis Budget Group
Central City Concern
Farmer’s Insurance
Kaiser Permanente
Multnomah County
Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center
Port of Portland
Portland Public Schools
Providence Health Systems
State of Oregon
Self Enhancement, Inc.
U.S. Bank
Wells Fargo

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